Don't Miss Trunk, Tumble & Treat 2024
Saturday, October 26
Eau Claire & Menomonie
Vendor Registration
Vendor Information
What is Trunk, Tumble & Treat?
Trunk or Treat is an event where businesses and organizations will decorate the trunk of their vehicle. They will provide a small game or activity the children participate in that results in a piece of candy. This is a great event to attend with children of all ages. Trunk or Treat makes it about more than just the candy as they participate in fun activities throughout the night!
Is There A Cost To Be A Vendor?
To be a vendor is free!
How Many Can We Plan To Attend the Event?
This event in the past has had a very large turnout, 300-500 kids. This event will be marketed through:
Our email marketing base to approximately 4,000 families
Our internal members through flyers, table tents, announcement TVs, etc.
Local community Facebook groups
Paid Facebook advertisements
Facebook event
Flyers at each of the participating businesses
EXA Sports Facebook and Instagram (more than 5,000 combined followers)
Based on the marketing plan, we can anticipate upwards of 400 families per location.
How Can I Promote My Event?
This is the perfect way to promote your business while providing a fun service to the community.
Hang your business banner on your vehicle
Hand out promotional items along with candy
Meet the people of the community and get to know them
Will There Be Electricity Available?
Unfortunately EXA is unable to provide electricity but gas powered generators are welcome!